@ Muziekschuur
I sympathise with the feelings you shared about surround music and I was very surprised nobody reacted on some of your remarks.
I see it this way :
Sound from behind you is unrealistic and completely made up, completely artificial.
I have never seen a band playing and hearing one of the instruments coming from left or right behind me > everything was in front !
I did hear some reverb from the rear, but that was all, nothing more.
It's the effort of the mixers and producers to give more depth to stereo sound with added gimmicks. I think we all know that
3/4 of the stereo CD's can never be played live on stage in the same way as recorded in the studio.
5.1 makes that even worse.
And this goes for spam conversions, but also for retail and professional mixed in the studio.
The major problem is this : when I listen to stereo on my HTS it doesn't sound good, at least worse than it sounded when I still had a dedicated stereo system.
And all those hardware tricks (Prologic I and II, Neo 6, SRS TruSurround, etc, etc.) do improve the spreading over 5 speakers a bit, but the same on every song and thus it gets boring after a while. Here lies the biggest challenge : to use your stereo sound over the 5 speakers in a way that doesn't mess up the original intention of the original mixer/producer. And that's where your remark about the Soundfiled microphone came in. The methods published here can give an excellent separation, can give an excellent sounding surround, but never anything equal to what was recorded with a Soundfield microphone. The only methods that can do THAT, are Ambisonics methods, which keep up with the stereo mixer's intention.
For some excellent soundfield methods, there are other places online like :