hello, i'm peter. i'm very happy to have found your site, as i've been wanting to try upmixing for several years now. i have enjoyed other peoples upmixes (gart, toup) and am fascinated by some of the results - i am still not convinced that the 'sticky fingers' upmix is not in fact a multi channel remix from the original tapes ;-]
i have some experience mixing my own music to surround in cubase, but mostly i've been working in stereo since i started recording around 2000.
yesterday, i tried my first upmix by comparing arctan and slice in roughly default settings. yes 'going for the one'. there is a lot of reverb and delay on the original, and i found the instruments and voices were moving all over the place on the sound stage (more so in arctan than slice). i think i'll try something 'dryer'.
i've noticed, reading posts here, that you talk of "hearing what you come up with" - in other words, one member listening to another members upmix. i've also seen that some posts are edited because a line has been crossed in terms of presenting copyrighted material. so... how exactly do we share what we do? i'd LOVE some critical guidance and that, naturally, requires that someone hear what i've been working on. would "contact me offline" be an acceptable way to do that?
again, THANK YOU for your site!