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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:57 pm 
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Yes, I tried the different ArcTan modes but they kind of showed similar results meaning that the difference in the rear speakers was still very obvious. Rewiring the SPEC output as you mentioned seems to be exaggerated in my case, as the sound is okay except these single instruments coming out too strongly on one side. If I chose wrapped rears it is already better but still not truly satisfying. What I thought of was moving portions of sl to sr and vice versa to adjust the levels.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:52 am 
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:58 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:20 am
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Help me please.
I can't find SPEC package file.
How can I get SPEC?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:53 am 

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I found them.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:55 pm 
Surround Junkie
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Oh, Lordy. I have a looooong way to go.
1) I need to get a soundcard that supports surround, so I can "live monitor" (affordable, but good recommendation appreciated.)
2) I need a set of speakers for said comp (again, affordable, but good recommendation appreciated.)
3) I'm trying to follow the guide for SPEC 4.0, but 4.86 is pretty different - there are some drop-downs that stay whited-out, with no options - not sure what's up with that - and the faders in the 4.86 box for LF, C, RF, etc won't budge off of -60 and stuff. If there is a current guide, please lmk!
4) If I hit play and have recording linked to it, I'm not sure where the resultant file is saved to!

Anyway, it was a fun day. I wish I had an example of my first attempt, but I give up for now! Any help appreciated.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:44 am 
Surround Junkie
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I did finally remember there is a user guide PDFs in the download. I'll be checking it out soon.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:59 am 
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1) It depends on weather you will connect to amp/speakers spam, or to home theater via hdmi. If the later, most video cards with hdmi have a built in multi-channel sound device, although they don't mention it on the box/specs. I have purchased to inexpensive (Approx $30) AMD cards that don't need a fan or extra power connection, that have this feature and windows 10 drivers, if you are interested.

If you are going spam I would recommend ESI U46XL. It's a USB sound "card" that also has a windows 10 driver and is not too expensive. The limitation would be if you wanted to be able run 5.1 at 96 KHz or higher (vs. 44.1 or 48 Khz) you will need to spend more.

2) Are we talking computer speakers, bookshelf speakers or what? If you are serious about mixing your own music (not just stereo to surround conversion) then speakers could be a major investment, but good quality amplified speakers can be had from guitar center that would serve.

3) Something sounds corrupted or you are using the wrong version of Plogue. Are the boxes red?

4) The recorder won't start until you select a file/location (and then hit play, with processing "on"

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:39 am 
Surround Junkie
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Thanks for those pointers. I'll check out the 4.86 user guide, do some tweaks, and see what happens.
As far as live monitoring goes, for the wife to not get super-pissed right now, I need to keep the cost down. At first I'd like to go min expense on card and speakers. Is it feasible to use my existing system for monitoring? Like, computer out to my Pioneer receiver?
Even though my source files will be 192k or 96k sometimes, I can down-sample for testing, then run the final pass with no monitoring at full res, right?
I'm running win 7 on a test laptop right now. My most powerful computer (8-core, 32gb ram, 2tb drives, ssd drive for OS, etc) runs Linux. I'll look in to setting up a dual-boot or VM for Windows.
I'm not seeing red on those dropdowns. Just all white, with no options. And some sliders won't budge.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:23 am 
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I meant are the boxes in the layout red? Red boxes mean either you are using the wrong version of plogue (regular instead of P2), or you are missing plugins and/or VSTs.

Any of those would be good reasons for things not to work. if All the boxes in the layout are blue, and you still have the problems you are discussing it sounds like your layout is somehow corrupted and you might want to download and install again.

I'm not clear on what is included in "computer out to my Pioneer receiver". Stereo receiver or 5.1 (or greater) receiver? SPDIF only? HDMI? 5.1 spam ins? An HDMI video card with audio can be had for under $50.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:33 am 
Surround Junkie
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Ah, I see what cha mean by red boxes. Yes, mostly red.
On my desktop there is a link to Bidule, but also to P2.
I think I tried the Bidule link, as I didn't know what P2 is.

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