Dear Pl4yitLOUD...
Firstly, thank you very much for this very useful program. Finally, I can create own DVD's projects with multi-ch music ripped from SACD images because I haven't SACD Player with 5.1 point output. In dts 96/24 it's sounds very good for me. OK... and now to the point:
first... there is little bug in resolution of MKV mode. In my opinion 720x480 (wide) is not very useful because it's not similar to 16x9 (1,777). I think that resolution 848x480 (1,766) will be better,
second... modes of AudioMuxer used to rip audio from Blu-ray or MKV has flac option in output type. It's OK but sometimes audio sources has little clips at 0dB level and because flac encoder very don't like this situation, it's generate audible distortions, biggest than in non compresed files as w64 or waw. In my opinion, you should add the "w64" option in this mode of AudioMuxer. w64 is free from "4GB size problem" and in Sony's Sound Forge there is fantastic algorithm to retrieve little distorted audio from clipped sources.
And one more thing at the end... Do you updated eac3to tool to the latest version in Your program?
Once again, thank you very much and greet you!
P.S. Sorry for my english... it is not my native language